Monday 4 April 2011

Game review: Heavy Rain

The game looked promising from the cover but as the beginning of the games opening cutscene starts,it drags on for what seems like an eternity. Its good for about 10 seconds as a mood starter and getting the picture for the story but its enough! You can make food and eat it with time to spare before the actual game begins.
 The game bigins and theirs a half naked guy layed in bed. Ok. Oh you have to move him? My god. This is the worst protagonist in any game ever. He's pathetic if you have to get him out of bed yourself. Moving the character was so astounding at how bad it was. Like normal people you can move around and turn around but with this guy, he turns so slowly and when hes walking he walks in a circle and in a tiny room Its easy to get stuck trying to move away from the wardrobe.  Then he has thoughts where you can activate and he will let you know what to do. But not like anything fun, His first thought is "I could use a shower" wow. How exiting. So dragging him to the shower is mandatory and you have to shower him? then other things like shave him and this is where the players patience begins to wear thin. You can mess up actions if your too fast. So he cuts his face and after so many times I thought I could make him bleed but no, he just makes a hiss sound like hes hurt and you have to restart the action. Even if your so close to finishing this redundant task and you mess up, you have to restart it. Brushing his teeth, drying him and clothing him. Who wants to do that? Who thought it would be a good idea? I can understand they were trying to make it realistic but theirs some things you include and the boring nature of life isn't on of them!
Progressing dowanstairs where he wanted to draw. Awesome. But no its nothing fun. Another redundant action that you mess up 20 times if your not the most patient person in the world. What kind or boring game is it? Is this a means of torture like an experiment to see what negative reinforcement gets?
You progress through the game and follow a story like a rat in a one lane maze. Other times you don't know what to do. Like my "wife" told me to put out plates for a birthday party for his son. Ok Ill do it. Where are the plates? I dont actually live here! After about 10 minutes of wasting time she finally tells me where they are and once again, redundant tasks. You put the plates on the table too fast, he breaks them and she scould you for it. Why is this in a game? This is not a game. This is more like a sensitive DVD menu.
So I persisted thinking "this is just setting the mood and giving the characters a good back story". After progressing through the introduction, you come to a mall where you lose your son and constanly shout "JASON!" I will hear that forever in my sleep because its the same voice animation just repeated. He gets kidnapped and you have to find him. Finally its over. Once again I was wrong. Im not goin to go into anymore detail because I would just be repeating issues already mentioned. How could this have got made? I played it from beginning to end and the ending is the biggest dissapointment. Its like the end of a scooby doo cartoon.
This game is like playing an RPG in the early days where you have to do certain tasks over and over again to level up. But with this, you do boring and redundant tasks with no accomplishment. Just makes you doubt every part of it and yourself like "what am I doing with my life? Ive got to do something better than waste my sanity on this". This is a definately a game that no person could sit through continously from beginning to end. A comination of akward controls, dissapointing gameplay, bad voice acting, slow story progression, repeated elements make this a cocktail for dissaster.

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